i have never had so much fun animating, as i have when i did this.
whilst working on some idents, i decided to have a bit of fun with the artwork. brilliant fun.
This is a blog which shows off work im currently doing or have done, professional and personal.
Motion Graphics Logo from Jardine Sage on Vimeo.
3D Emmanuel Maya Sequence from Jardine Sage on Vimeo.
my bad for not posting this already! heres a short animated sequence i did testing out the rig of emmanuel. used mental ray for nice lighting effects.. pretty happy with it. :)
Toon Shader with no adjustments. theres a wee charm about them.with a slight gradient however, it gives a really nice effect, which doesnt stumble into just being another shader.
Testing out the face.
This is a Blinn Shader, which is giving it alot of shine. also im not very happy about the texture/colours. need to match the source more.
This is more like it! Toon shaded, and more subtle texture.
(with fancy lighting) So Far... gonna do a quick test of animating the texture today, mebbes throw up a quick video of that. also gonna do the manips for the skeleton and bind it, mebbes a wee animation test of him bouncing about.
Institute of Digital Innovation Xmas Card from Mark Hill on Vimeo.