We have finally moved into the shed! from here on we're doing our business from our very own office space, great fun.
Here's us on the first day, weve got walls around our space which is pretty handy. so FRAN had the idea to paint our desks and decorate them in our own style of sketches. i used to do these type of odd collages loads in school, so its been pretty bloody fun so far :D
The tester was this draw, which has loads of characters Ive made over the years fused into it, as well as one disneyfied character.
Today my favourite doodle i did was of Abra the pokemon. Ive gotta squeeze in somewhere the 'abra used teleport... abra vanished'. I spent ages thinking which of the original 151 was my favourite (enough that i had to stare at it on my desk forever) and I came to the conclusion it was Abra, Kedabra and Alakazam. so its become the esteemed pokemon of my desk (the other two were better pokemon, just more irritating to draw... abra made sense).
This is the desk by the end of the day
On this side, as a direct result of running out of characters to do (and not wanting to resort to horseman), its devolved into small homages to my favourite games, as well as other little interesting things. Theres Link holding up the triforce, Pacman, some ghosts and a cherry, space invaders and asteroids. and at the top, 8 bit mario (whose turned out the best i believe.)
Over here is where im developing tomorrow, ive put my new wild bill hickock design on, A fallout esq design i did for Rich a while back, abra and even the red trainer from pokemon red. Tomorrow i am banning myself from anymore videogame references, so i need some new ideas!
any suggestions?
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