Friday, 26 March 2010

Travelling Skinned Mole

OOO its nice to post something that isnt the RAM chip. not that i dont like it, but ive come to realise its taking up alot of space on this blog.

last week my friend hayley contacted me about a travelling moleskin diary, where artists were invited to add their own little interpretations to the theme "Food for Thought". so i wrote a story (a true story) of the time myself and my friend aaron happened upon stephen hawkin leaving pizza hut with a pizza box on his lap.

it looked alot like this:-

find out more about the Moleskin, about taking part and what-not, gubbins etc at

and thank you hayley and Thompson Brand Partners for an opportunity to draw some nonsense (although totally based on a true story.)

1 comment:

  1. You're welcome dear. The fact that yours is a true story makes you my favourite!
